Do you feel like you are on a roller coaster on your journey to be as healthy as possible?  There are too many touted so-called healthy lifestyles or healthier lifestyles to follow today.  And you find an even greater selection of weight loss programs.  Do you find them all too confusing?  How many healthier lifestyle changes have you made without success?  You started a new weight loss or a healthier lifestyle with excitement and perhaps even saw some early success.   And then the progress stopped.  Therefore, are you tired of the schemes and fads that only work for a short while?   Are they just too hard to follow?  If you find the conflicting recommendations from your health providers, the media, and the news are all too confusing we can guide you through a more holistic approach.

We love the ocean.  We now live not far from the east coast and beautiful beaches in Vero Beach, FL.  Relaxing and unwinding or just resetting our focus is always more effective at the ocean.  Also, Nancy is a breast cancer survivor which means she has seen several surgeries.  Facing whatever news, or surgery was always easier after a trip to the ocean.  Therefore, we always made a trip from mid-state to the ocean before she faced each event.  And then again as soon as her recovery was far enough underway.

Our search for total wellness often reminds me of the ocean.  Have you ever sat on the beach watching the waves roll into the shore or watching the white caps break?  Perhaps you have experienced the early morning calm when the early sunlight makes the sea sparkle as if it were a diamond-studded mirror.   However, have you ever considered what lies beneath those sparkling diamonds or lazy white caps?

If you have ever gone snorkeling,  glass-bottom boat touring or deep-sea diving then you have seen a whole different perspective: schools of teaming fish, beautiful underwater gardens, coral reefs, a dangerous shark or scary eel.  The deeper you dove perhaps the more the scene changed.  Our search for total wellness often reminds me of that ocean.  The ocean is ever-changing and we see only a small portion as we set and watch those waves.  And we never see the bottom.

The changes and patterns of our health in many ways can be compared to the ocean and what you see on its surface – the gentle waves represent your symptoms or everyday health concerns.  But what lies beneath those gentle waves or breaking whitecaps?  Typically when you express your concerns to your medical professional during a short exam, drugs or medication are prescribed.  Consider this: To most medical professionals every patient that is overweight, has hypertension, is diabetic, has joint pain or seasonal allergies, looks much like the last patient with the same complaint just like every white cap may look much like the last white cap.  Everyone with the same complaint receives the same recommendation.  However, beneath those white caps, the causes of your symptoms remain hidden.  You are NOT like everyone else.  And somewhere, deep within, is the buried cause, hidden, much like a sunken treasure beneath the waves.

The prescribed drugs or minor lifestyle changes recommended may initially reduce your symptoms.  However, the causes of those symptoms continue to ferment unseen only to expose themselves as you move to more distressing and or chronic conditions – from dis-ease to disease.  And then the number and strength of the prescribed drugs increase along with their costs.  Furthermore, if you are struggling with weight concerns you feel you are now on a downhill slippery slope.  The hope of recovery grows dim.  What was once gentle waves now grows into a huge wave or perhaps even a tsunami that dashes away all hope.  Fear sets in.  The dreaded words, “I’m sorry but you have …” Maybe heard.  Furthermore, what was once hidden from your medical professional’s eyes has now become obvious.Self-Awareness Formulas Consultation

Finding those underlying causes of your symptoms is the key to your wellness.  And it is important to find those causes early before serious health concerns arise.  At Holistic3DHealth we understand you are unique.  We are not medical doctors, we do not dispense medical advice or drugs, nor do we diagnose or treat specific diseasesWe are researchers, educators, and lifestyle coaches.  Our goal is to help you live longer, happier, healthier, successful lives.  We dig for those underlying causes.    And once they are found we can focus on you and your health because we know without your health nothing else matters.

Because life’s stressors are the root causes of most of our physical symptoms, our techniques are aimed at finding these causes. We hope to find them at the earliest possible moment to prevent you from moving from a state of wellness with minor symptoms to a state of distress.  Through our methods, we can detect this move long before it happens.  Also, as we determine those underlying causes we have holistic methods of helping you heal your body, mind, and spirit.

However, you may ask, “What if I am already in distress?”  We can turn your distress around.  Because we have therapeutic tools and noninvasive testing, we can reveal the root of your distress.  It may take more commitment on your part and more time but it can be done.  Furthermore, we have seen clients through the years that have come to us as their very last resort because traditional medicine had given up on them or they had given up on traditional medicine!  Time after time we have been able to lead them back to a healthy, happy, fulfilling life.



Self-Awareness Formulas – Why am I who I am? How have my past traumas – emotional or physical shaped who I am today? Are those traumas responsible for my current health challenges...

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Colostrum Therapy

Should colostrum be in your medicine cabinet? It is a great home remedy promoting healing of cuts, scrapes, burns, and tooth extractions, eyewash, energy, and stamina booster plus immunity builder…

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Color Energy

what is your Aura? Our Aura shows us a multi-dimensional snapshot of our health today. What are our current thoughts, emotions, and feelings? How do they influence our wellness today and in the future…

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