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The Value of Biofeedback

Do you ever question why you feel the way you feel?  Perhaps you think you are doing everything right- good diet, exercising, plenty of rest, and taking good care of yourself but something just isn’t quite right.  How can you determine just what that “not quite right” feeling is all about?  Have you considered Biofeedback.?  Or perhaps you know you have a few challenges?  You have committed to making some changes to improve your health.  But you are not sure if you are making the right choices.  Are they working to accomplish your health goals?  Biofeedback is invaluable in monitoring your progress and evaluating your protocol for change.

How does Biofeedback work?  There are several methods for obtaining Biofeedback.  We use 2 forms of testing to gain information for your Biofeedback profile.  The first is Biopulsar Reflex-zone technology which monitors your life energy or your chi.  The second method, BIA testing,  done through urine and saliva analysis.

However,  life energy is not static.  It fluctuates depending upon such internal influences as bad nutrition, negative thoughts, illnesses such as colds, and the flu.   Or external influences such as people, work, our environment, the seasons, and the climate can affect our life energy.  Any of these influences can drag down our life energy.

The dynamics of life energy are represented in the reflex-zone biofeedback shown in your aura colors. The energy of each organ, or group of organs, is shown in the subject’s aura.  Colors of the aura indicate the flow of life energy of the specific organ’s energy (or frequency) wave. Therefore by observing the colors of the organs we can determine the organ’s energy or vitality.  Also, we can determine where the energy is blocked.  And by determining why the blockage or low energy exists we can devise a treatment plan or life adjustment protocol.   We can create ways to increase the energy flow to that organ or group of organs.

Let me give you a couple of examples of how we can see insufficient life energy in an organ and how we can improve that organ’s energy.  The first step is to do an Aura Reading.  By the colors of each organ, we can determine which organs have low energy readings.  Therefore we now know what organs to focus on.  In this example, we will say that the spine is showing the color grey and a numeric reading of 0.35.   We ask some questions to determine if the reading could have to do with an injury.  If there is no injury we need to determine what is causing the low energy.  However, in this case, we learn that no injury or diagnosis should indicate low spinal energy.

Also, we want to note that the client is complaining of feeling dull in the brain or foggy and overall low in energy.  They are finding it difficult to get through their day.  There are low energy readings in the neck and some of the brain areas.   Another observation is that the whole aura seems shrunken.   With these observations, I am pretty certain at this point that I know where part of the problem lies.   Therefore my next question is, how much water do you drink?  And if this person seems to be drinking plenty of water then the next question is about their salt intake.  Without proper salts, you can drink all day long and still be dehydrated as this person is.

Because our bodies are 60-70% water we must continuously rehydrate ourselves.  Everything we do dehydrates us.  However, the water we drink must be able to be absorbed by our cells or it is useless.  Because we often have a high sodium intake we think we are getting enough salt.  But is it the right salt?

Also, through further comments, I learned that this person sits all day most days and does very little to exercise.  They rarely get sun exposure.  Because of the grey areas in the brain, I suspect slight depression.  And with a few further questions and discussion, I determine that my hunch is right.  I am now ready to make some life change recommendations.

Before the changes are recommended we do a urine and saliva test.  This test further shows the degree of damage caused by low hydration.  The pH of the urine and saliva indicates the severity of dehydration.  We also learn that, in this case, dehydration is not caused by a lack of proper salts.  The salt ratios shown in the testing are in a normal range.   Furthermore, these numbers will and give us a clue to how the body is dealing with this physical damage.  Is the body finding ways to heal itself?  What rate of aging or deterioration is occurring?   Based on the results of both testings, we can now make recommendations for change.

We never make more than 3 change recommendations because we do not want to overwhelm the client.  The first thing we will change is the amount of water that is being consumed.  Because the client says they drink mostly coffee, soda, and very little water we will focus on lowering the coffee intake, eliminating the soda, and increasing the water.   Also, we will recommend limiting their daily red wine consumption to 1 glass.  Both coffee and wine (alcohol) are dehydrating.

The second change we will implement is exercise.  A twenty to thirty-minute outdoor walk every day with a long walk on the weekend is what we recommend to start.  Walking outdoors is free, easy, and has multiple benefits.  This will add exercise and sun exposure.  Both are needed.  While at work we recommend shoulder rolls and neck stretches.  Plus they need to attempt to leave their desk and walk every 60-90  minutes.

The third recommendation is to write a gratitude journal each day recording 3 things they are grateful for.  One of those items must be something about themselves – one of their characteristics that they are grateful for.

What is the value of each of these recommendations?  They are dehydrated, so the water intake is somewhat self-explanatory.  However, the spinal fluid that carries the life energy the length of the body is fluid – water-based.  Dehydration equals low spinal fluid.  That same fluid feeds, or waters, the brain.  The exercise recommendation also has a two-fold purpose.  It will energize the spine, increase circulation, and movement of spinal fluids.  Also, it will elevate the emotional level to be outside in the sunshine.  Therefore, with additional energy flowing to the brain through the spine and the eye ( sunlight intake = energy) the brain fog will improve.  The gratitude journal will also improve the overall well-being and lower depression.

How do we determine if this all works?  Once the client has followed the protocol or feels they are making progress, we can do another Biopulsar scan and BIA test for the Biofeedback.  We can see the changes in their colors and their ratios.  If we see less grey and higher spinal readings we know we are making progress.  Also, we should see the aura being more full or plumper than in the first reading.  We should also see an improvement in the ratios of salts to protein, salts to sugars, etc.

The Biofeedback that we have observed helps us see where our recommendations are working and where they need to be fine-tuned.  They may indicate that we are on the right path however the optimal life energy level is not yet achieved.  However, the client can be encouraged by their Biofeedback reading knowing they are improving because they are on the right track.

Often we see huge progress between our second and third Biofeedback reading because the client knows what they are doing is paying off!  The encouragement of success keeps them going and increases their efforts.  Once they feel their energy levels are where they want them to be we can do periodic checks to be sure they are staying on track.


Aura Reading – Vero Beach


Aura Reading – 60 minute Session


Biofeedback Biopulsar




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Alternative Health

Alternative Health.

You may hear the phrase Alternative Health and question just what does Alternative Health mean?  You may also discover after some research that it means different things to different people.  Alternative Health, simply defined, is an alternative or optional approach to becoming or remaining healthy.   It is an optional approach that veers away from the currently accepted practices of medicine and explores other options.  It generally means a choice of treatment other than a chemical choice.  Therefore, the general goal of alternative health is to use methods of reducing symptoms and restoring health with means that are not of a chemical origin.

You visit your doctor.  He is saddened to tell you that you are experiencing blood pressure that is higher than normal or safe.  This puts you at risk for a possible medical incident.   Therefore he makes the recommendation that you should go on a medication to help lower or regulate your blood pressure.  Obediently you go to the pharmacy and purchase the medication.  And if the pharmacist properly does their job they read the warning and side indications of the drug.   As he reads the list of possible side effects you make a mental note.  Because the side effects include the same events that you are hoping to avoid by taking it you become a bit confused.  Maybe you are even somewhat a little scared.  Is this medication really the answer?

What causes high blood pressure?  You do some research.  It is all quite vague.  You may find causes such as diet, hereditary, imbalances of hormones, or complications of other diseases.  But you really do not get a good feel for why you have it.  Therefore you also do not get a good idea of how to get rid of it.  You still wonder if the medication is the answer.

Inflammation causes high blood pressure and many other diseases that are associated with aging.  Therefore the real question is, what causes the inflammation?  In Alternative Medicine, we look at the cause or causes and work on fixing those.  After all, if we eliminate the cause will we not eliminate the problem?

Furthermore, almost every one of the diseases – we will call them aging diseases- have a root cause of dietary shortcomings.  Many diseases have the same root causes.  So if dietary shortcomings caused the problem, can dietary changes fix the problem?  There is good news!   Yes, they can!  We have seen dozens of patients change their diagnoses by changing their diet!  There are countless peer-review papers written on many of the efficacy of alternative solutions, as well.  Also, there are many doctors in the Functional Medicine arena that solely use food and diet to reverse many medical diagnoses.

I am not going into every disease here with every solution.  I will state however that if you have an illness, there are foods that we can use, a diet we can create, and a lifestyle we can coach you through that will change your diagnosis and set you on the path to good health.  The biggest mistake you will make is thinking, “not my diagnosis, not me.  My illness cannot be helped.  I need a chemical path to help me cope with my illness.”   Note I said “cope”.

Alternative medicine does not just “cope” with or mask your symptoms.  Alternative medicines help you eliminate your symptoms by eliminating the causes of your illness.

Therefore let us look at the example of high blood pressure as one disease that we can reverse or regulate by changing some lifestyle habits and diet.  One of the biggest and most effective changes you can make in relating blood pressure is by changing what you drink.  Eliminate every beverage except water.  Yes, that means no soft drinks, no power drinks, no tea – sweet, unsweet, or any other tea, all coffee-based beverages, wine, beer, and any other alcoholic drinks must be eliminated.  Once the blood pressure is regulated you may add back a cup of coffee, a glass of unsweet tea, or a glass of wine but never let them replace your water.

Because water is the only liquid that can cleanse the blood, by drinking enough good quality water- spring, purified, or filtered- you will cleanse the sludge out of your blood.  The sludge is the cause of inflammation.  Therefore it is the cause of high blood pressure.  How much water should you drink?  There is a whole article on this site on water consumption.  Here are the basics: 8 to 12 ounces on rising each day.  Throughout the day 3 to 4 ounces every 20 to 30 minutes.  If you do an activity that causes perspiration of course you need to add more.

However, if you find the water is not working, it may be because you are not getting the proper salt or type of salt.  Be certain you are not using sodium-filled foods.  What are sodium-filled foods?  Highly processed, particularly canned foods.  Use fresh or frozen foods, limit salty snacks, and chips and use a brand of salt called Real Salt, or some other salt with high mineral content.  PLEASE, stay away from salts from China.  The Real Salt company mines here in the US from an old sea bed.  Also, there are some good salts derived from the Andes.

By adding exercise to your daily regimen you can further help regulate your blood pressure.  Walking, yoga, stretching exercises, biking, swimming, water games, and rowing are all good choices.  The more outdoor,  in the sun activities the better as the natural vitamin D is very helpful.  Furthermore, physical activity reduces stress.  Stress causes high blood pressure.   Therefore, stress relief helps lower your numbers, too.  The benefits of exercise are twofold.

A great side effect of drinking water and exercise is often weight loss.  Most of us find that losing a few pounds benefits us in multiple ways.  You can further help reduce your blood pressure by increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables.  Eat a rainbow of colors in foods each day.  Be certain you are getting lots of greens, yellow, orange, red, purple, and blue foods.  A serving measures 1/2 cups.  It is best if you get 12 to 15 servings each day.  Furthermore, many of these colorful foods can be eaten in even larger quantities if you are hungry or need to graze occasionally.

A second disease we will look at is diabetes.  Often these two diseases go hand in hand.  They have similar causes.  Our Standard American Diet (SAD) focuses too much on grains and high carbohydrate content foods that turn into sugar and fat if we do not exercise enough to wear them off.    This diet results in too much weight, insulin resistance, high cholesterol, and other complications as we age.  Therefore, it is imperative that we reverse the direction our health is going once we hear the diagnosis of diabetes or prediabetes.

So how do you turn that diagnosis around?  Much the same way as you turn high blood pressure around.  Building your meals around fresh vegetables, good quality protein, healthy oils, eliminating sugary foods will reverse the diagnosis of diabetes or prediabetes.  Exercise is as important as what you eat.  Get moving in some way and keep moving.

The third type of diagnoses we will cover are digestive related challenges.  This includes everything from IBS, to constipation, to Crohn’s disease, to Celiac, and any disease that has to do with the Gastro-Intestinal tract from the mouth to the anis.  They are all related!  Because we are given antibiotics for every sniffle, eat foods with too many preservatives, eat fried foods, pesticide-laden foods, and drink alcohol and other destructive beverages, our GI tract suffers.  Emotional stress adds to the destruction of our good gut flora as well.

How do we fix our guts?  Much the same way as we fix the other diseases.  Stay away from destructive food and drink.  that means eliminating fast fried foods, alcohol, anti-biotics, preserved foods, and soft drinks.  Eat foods that will replace your good gut flora and, since the leaky gut syndrome is probably present, work on totally repairing the gut.  Good probiotics, colostrum, some full-fat yogurts, fermented foods like sauerkraut kimchi, some unsweetened fermented teas, and healthy fats will all help rebuild your gut flora.  Will it happen overnight?  No.  But you did not get into the mess you may be in overnight either.  Our bodies are so good at self-repair and fighting off the bad that it takes years to get into a bad situation.  It takes time to reverse that situation.

In Alternative Health, we address all dimensions.  A good mental attitude, being spiritually grounded, and having a belief that you are in control of your health are all just as important as what you put into your mouth!  If you do not believe you are in control you will not be.  We are multi-dimensional beings and we must address all dimensions.  No matter what your diagnosis doing things that make you happy, help you feel relaxed, and brightens your spirit will help improve your health.

Your Immune System

Your Immune System

Drinking Water For Better Health

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Is Colostrum Therapy Right for You?

Is Colostrum Therapy right for you? 

You are the only one that can answer that question.  However, almost everyone I have ever treated in my 35 plus years of practice has seen benefits from the use of some form of colostrum.  The benefits they have experienced vary.   But they have benefited in some way.

Consider these benefits of the Colostrum products we promote from Prosolve Labs.   Clinical research backs every one of these benefits stated.

PRO Colostrum – LD Powder and Capsules help to:

  • Boost, balance, and maintain optimal immune function.
  • Eliminate harmful pathogens and fight infections
  • Protect and heal the GI and stomach lining
  • Promote increased nutrient absorption in the gut
  • Increase muscle strength and stamina; speed recovery after exercise or injury; burn fat, and help maintain normal blood glucose levels.
  • Stimulate wound healing
  • Provide anti-aging benefits.
  • Maintain a normal inflammatory response.
  • Promote T-cell growth

Ask yourself this question:  Is my immune system as strong and healthy as it could be?  Maybe you are not certain.  For 98% of the population, the answer is “no” it is not.  However, sadly they/you may not know it is not healthy.  Our immune system’s integrity is being challenged each day in many ways.  Did you get enough restful sleep?  Were you under any type of physical, emotional, or spiritual stress in the last twenty-four hours?  Did you possibly inhale any toxins?  Were you exposed to anything harmful in any way that might challenge your body’s balance?

Three Black-and-white Cows

All of us go through several stressors every day of our lives.  Therefore our immune systems are constantly being weakened.  Because of these immune systems weakening events we need to provide some means to fortify ourselves.  We need to keep our immune systems as healthy as possible.  Some form of Colostrum Therapy is your best defense.

Some of the stressors we may be exposed to are pathogens and/or infectious environments.  Again, Colostrum Therapy is the answer to fortifying yourself to be able to overcome the infections.  It will help eliminate or disarm the pathogens, rendering them harmless to you.

Our biggest defense against viruses, influenza, and even cancer is a healthy supply of T-cells.  Colostrum Therapy helps grow strong T-cells.  It ensures there are T-cells present when we need them.  Not all of us produce T-cells on a regular basis.  This is particularly true in men.  Therefore we highly recommend all men use some form of Colostrum Therapy.  As of the research out there today, T cells are the best defense against any type of Sars Virus, including the current COVID-19.  A vaccination only protects you for a brief period of time.  That means even when one does become available its protection life will be short-lived.

Furthermore, it most like will protect you from this strain of virus only.  The T cells produced when you use Colostrum Therapy are always present and always protecting you.  If, or more likely when, a new virus appears you will be protected.  You will not have to wait for a vaccine!

Meanwhile, the T Cells are also protecting you from cancer.  They help prevent cancerous cellular growth.   They will also be protecting you from seasonal influenza outbreaks.   These factors alone make Colostrum Therapy well worthwhile.

One of the biggest areas of concern in our bodies is our gut.  Our guts must be healthy.  Why?  Because most of our immune system lies within our gut.  Our gut is responsible for transforming nutrients into usable body building material.  Therefore, without a healthy gut, we do not get the full benefit of the foods we eat.   Furthermore, without a healthy gut, we experience ailments ranging from IBS, arthritis, Lupus, and other autoimmune diseases to constipation and Crohn’s disease.  Also, we are more prone to getting every flu bug and cold that passes by.

Vegetable Lot

Colostrum Therapy protects our stomach lining and gut from the many enemies it comes in contact with daily.  Colostrum helps the gut to heal.  Often we suffer from a syndrome called “leaky gut”.  What is “leaky gut” and what effect does it have on our overall health if we suffer from it?

The walls of our intestinal tract are supposed to be fairly impermeable.   However, for most of us, this is not true.  Because we drink things like soda, coffee, tea, and take medications that injure our gut lining it develops leaks.  Also, daily stress, anxiety, and pollution challenge our gut integrity.  These leaks allow pathogens and foreign subjects to enter our bloodstreams.  They are responsible for the maladies I listed above and many others.  Furthermore, they cause aging and slow recovery from any illness we do experience.

However, with Colostrum Therapy the integrity of the stomach lining and the gut lining can be restored.  By restoring health to these two areas you can also experience the lessening of inflammatory responses.  Also, you can begin to experience fewer bouts of illness.  Furthermore, if you have an autoimmune disease or other disease linked to a leaky gut,  you will begin to experience less severe symptoms.  Let us look at each of these advantages of using Colostrum Therapy.

The results you experience from Colostrum Therapy vary depending on several variables.  The biggest variable is how long you have suffered symptoms if your goal is symptom reduction.  If you are building immunity, you begin to get results after 30 days.  Let us look at symptom reducing expectations.

Even though it takes time, you can reverse autoimmune disease symptoms.  The longer you have been ill the longer your recovery.  However, your willingness to stick to the protocol we establish for you can also speed up your results.  We approach your recovery from the physical, emotional, and spiritual angels.  Because we have learned that all three areas of our life affect every aspect of our wellness, we must address all areas.  Therefore, we must heal you totally for the best results. Colostrum Therapy leads you to recovery in several ways.

Because Colostrum is a balancer, your body will begin to realign itself.  Secondly, as the realignment occurs your hormones will begin to level out as your immune system strengthen.  Inflammation will reduce.  Much of our inflammation is hidden internally.  But as it reduces your overall feeling of well being will improve.  As all of this is happening your intestinal tract is healing.  The breaks and fissures in your gut wall are closing up.  This means that fewer and fewer impurities are entering your bloodstream.  Furthermore, as your bloodstream becomes purer or cleaner, it is able to carry more oxygen throughout the body.  Every organ and system of your body needs oxygen for upkeep and repair.  Increased oxygen supply means healthier organs.  And you may also experience sharper thinking and increased vitality.

Also, you might note that we state nutrient absorption as one of Colostrum Therapy’s benefits.  What does better nutrient absorption mean to your health?  It means reduced aging,  stronger bones and joints, a sharper brain, and better stamina.  If you work out you will experience faster recovery rates and better overall performance.

As you can see the benefits of Colostrum Therapy are endless.  Let us share a few changes our clients have experienced:

  • Loss of belly fat resulting in a flattened tummy.
  • More endurance and stamina on the job equaling better job performance.
  • Faster recovery after a workout with added stamina during a workout.
  • Better competitive sports performance.
  • Reduced stiffness in joints.
  • Fewer bouts of illness.
  • Better blood sugar and blood pressure control.
  • More consistent bowel movements.
  • Reduced allergy symptoms.
  • Reduced IBS symptoms.
  • Better sleep patterns.
  • Faster healing and recovery after surgery or injury.
  • Faster recovery after childbirth with enhanced milk production.
  • Reduced instances of colds, ear infections, and other childhood illnesses.

Because we often track our patience results by observation by using the BioPulsar and aura Technology we also see changes indicating an improvement in overall wellness.  Our objective is to see a well-balanced aura with all areas performing equally as well.  Furthermore, often we see this balancing occurring after just one week of treatment.

Seeing your improvement on the Aura scan is exciting.  Because you can see more vitality expressed with your organs resonating healthier colors, you know you are improving.  They affirm that you are on the right track.  And you know you are doing the right things to lead to the results you hope to achieve.     You may be on a long journey if you have been unhealthy for a longer period of time.  But seeing improvements encourages you to keep on your protocol.

What do we recommend?  A great way to start is with the PRO Cleanse and Detox Bundle. (Link to ProSovlabs below)  Because this one month bundle of products helps you Cleanse and Detox it will get you started on the right track.  Once you have cleansed and detoxed then you can determine what products you need on a monthly basis.

Once you have Cleansed and Detoxed then evaluate what your goals are.  If you are not certain what product is best for you set a phone appointment with Dr. Emmett or Nancy.  We will advise you on what is best for your current diagnosis.  Furthermore, we like to coach you to at least get you started so we know you are not just shooting in the dark, hoping to find the right remedy.   Also, we often find we need to suggest dietary modifications, minor lifestyle changes, and we generally have other helpful suggestions.   Other articles on this site may help you with your product choices.

Also, we do have protocols for children with allergies or who have challenged immune systems or other health concerns.

Colostrum and Your Immune System…m-for-pet-health/…ying-human-auras/

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Improving Your Health

Most of us try to work on improving our health.  For some, improving your health is a daily goal and consideration.  For others, improving your health is an occasional thought, or perhaps even panic if you learn that your health is declining because of disease.  If you concentrate or set some realistic goals for yourself and establish a healthy routine, improving your health, or practicing a lifestyle that promotes good health can be a simple task.  Living healthy has to be a habit.  A way of life.  An everyday practice.

You may ask, what are some habits that we would recommend for improving your health?  Let us look at some suggestions.  We approach life holistically a Holistic 3D Health.  Therefore we will look at improving your health from a three-dimensional approach.

First, let us look at the physical aspects of our health:

  • Get enough rest:  Getting enough rest should be the first step to improving your health.  How much is enough?  Part of that answer depends on your age and your overall lifestyle.  Let me break it down into age groups.  Children, between the ages of two and eight, need up to 10 hours of sleep each night.  The 2 to 4-year-old may need a daytime nap as well.  Nine to 12-year-old may be able to get by with less than 10 hours.  However, if they seem to be getting sick often, are grumpy, have difficulty concentrating or focusing, they may need 10 hours each night.  Teenagers generally will need less but 8 hours is a must.   Growing spurts may mean they need more.  That 8-hour requirement remains through adulthood.  As you age it may increase.  Because it takes longer for our bodies to regenerate as we age, many 50 and older adults may find that they need up to 10 hours of sleep to feel their best.
  • There are some important factors in getting enough good quality sleep.   One of them is a great mattress.  Over the years as a home furnishing sales associate, I have met many people that did not understand the importance of purchasing the right mattress.  Particularly frustrating were the parents that would purchase sneakers for their child in the neighborhood of $200 BUT wanted to put the child on a $79 mattress!  The child will outgrow the sneakers, lose them, or whatever.  The only benefit of the pricey shoes is ego.  However, a good supportive mattress will help the child’s bones form correctly and keep their spine in alignment.  As adults, we continue to need good support to rejuvenate each night.  A good mattress, a good pillow, a quiet environment, and slightly cooler temperatures all help us to sleep better.
  • How is getting a good night’s sleep part of improving your health?   Did you know that obesity is linked to poor sleep habits?  When we fail to get enough sleep we feel low in energy, slow and sluggish.  To overcome those feelings we tend to eat fat producing, sugary, perhaps caffeine-filled foods.  We may also tend to overeat.  On long days we may even squeeze in an extra meal or several snacks to keep us going.   If we eat dinner at 6 or 6:30 and stay up until 11 or 11:30, we are hungry again.  Late-night snacking is harmful in several ways: we are never going to burn off the calories, we are working on digestion while we sleep, which means restore and repair are being hampered and the snacks may tend to be empty calories or unhealthy choices.
  • Eat healthily.  Be conscious of the quality and quantity of foods you are eating.  First,  consider quality.  Avoid highly processed and prepared foods.  We recommend shopping the outer parameters of the market.  That is where you generally find fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, and other wholesome, unprocessed foods.  The inner isles contain boxed and canned, over-processed foods, snacks, sugary drinks, and empty calorie foods.  Plan your meals and make a list.  Going to the store prepared will save you time and money.  Furthermore, if you visit the areas of the market only where you find the items on your list, you will be less tempted by the unhealthy choices.Healthy Foods Cookery
  • Today’s lifestyle often leaves us little time to cook.  Planning a menu based on the time we have to prepare each meal each day per our schedule is a great help in staying on track to eating as healthy as possible.  There are resources available on this site to aid you in getting a healthy routine established.  We offer counseling to help you establish what protocol is best for your family.  Through your session, we determine the nutrition each family member needs, the best away to ensure each member gets that needed nutrition, and tips on how to plan and execute your meal plan.  Also, we take into consideration your lifestyle and the time you have to shop, cook, and do any pre-prepping to aid in your success.  And remember, we are experts on special diets and special needs.

    So what should you purchase to guarantee you are getting the best nutrition?  Always purchase the best quality you can afford.  If you can afford organic, buy it.  Try to buy local produce, locally raised, and grown meats.  If you do not have those options buy produce that is fresh and crisp looking, no bruises, browning, or dried out appearance.  I always check the base of the broccoli, asparagus, leaf lettuces, cabbage, and cauliflower.  If the base or cut end is showing brown or a dried appearance you will know it is not fresh.  Look for clean-cut ends.  Use leaf lettuce, fresh spinach, and Romaine for your salad greens.  Be certain you are eating 3 to 5 or more servings of vegetables and fruits daily.  Eat whole-grain bread and rice.  Avoid foods with white, over-processed flour and sugar.

  • Take a good quality multi-vitamin – Because our soils are overused and therefore mineral deficient a good vitamin is very important.  This is important for every age.  Also, a good probiotic is a great way to keep your intestinal tract healthy and therefore improve your immune system.  We recommend Shaklee products for both needs.  Furthermore, you need to purchase the product that is best for your age group and your sex.  We are including two links here.  One for a 3rd party study that has been ongoing now for decades on the efficacy and effectiveness of a good multi-vitamin and the 2nd link to our recommended products. (under the second link go to nutrition for a full range of vitamins each designed for a specific age group and sex.                             
  • Drink plenty of water.  Water should be the beverage of choice for the whole family.  Stop buying soda and fruit juices.  If you do not have a way to filter your water, purchase spring water.  It is cheaper than soda.  Furthermore, water is the only beverage that can cleanse your blood, help regulate blood pressure and blood sugar, reduce aging, and aid in digestion.  Also, sparkling water with natural fruit flavors, home-brewed herbal ice teas, and whole organic milk are all other acceptable, healthy choices.
  • Get outdoors and exercise!  Although outside activity is limited in some parts of the country due to weather conditions, it seems that even when the weather is great we do not get enough outdoor activity.  Did you know that our bodies require up to 4 hours of sunlight per day?  Because that is impossible for most of us you will find most are vitamin D deficient.  That means it is difficult for us to fight infections, keep our bones healthy, and ward off disease.  Therefore, it is vital to get outside, get some sun, get some needed exercise as often as possible.  Walk, skateboard, ride your bikes, hike, jog, picnic, canoe, or kayak.  The activities outdoor are endless.  You could even grow a garden to provide your family with your organic vegetables and herbs.
  • So there are two components here.  Sunshine and exercise.  Although you may not be able to get outside there are still plenty of ways to exercise.  And they do not have to be costly.  You do not have to join a gym, yoga class, some other paid type exercise.  There are plenty of videos, YouTube, and other means to obtain good workout material.  Also, for those of you that are serious about improving your health, a good watch that will track your steps and record your activity is a great asset.  Furthermore, we will touch on the psychological benefits of exercise later in this post.

Secondly, let us look at the mental/emotional aspects of our health

  • Two of the earlier mentioned concerns affect our mental/emotional state as well as our physical.  The first is getting enough rest.  Lack of sleep can cause depression.  Poor quality sleep does not give our brain time enough to recoup.  Therefore your thought processes are slow, sluggish, and foggy.  Good sleep habits are important for clear, sharp thinking.
  • The second earlier mentioned is outdoor exercise or exercise in general.  Getting out in nature lifts one’s mood.  A fast walk, jog, or run raises endorphins.  Endorphins are feel-good hormones.  They give us a sense of well-being.  Also, using a treadmill or indoor bike will raise your endorphins as well.  If you particularly feel a sense of peace of mind in the woods or the beach, make that your place to rejuvenate and exercise.
  • Woman running on beach, girl runner jogging outdoors. Woman running on beach, beautiful girl runner jogging outdoors, training for marathon, exercising and stock photo
  • Another good practice is self-affirmations.  Don’t beat yourself up.  Remember each of us is special, beloved sons or daughters of a loving Heavenly Father.  He created us for a purpose that only we can fulfill.  Therefore you are vital in fulfilling His overall purposes.  Remind yourself of your good attributes.  A good time to do your affirmations is while you are exercising.  This seems to add to the effectiveness of both activities.
  • Associate with those that lift you.  Stay away from people that drag you down, criticize you, or try to put you down.  Find friends who love you for who you are.

Exercise your spiritual beliefs

  • Pay attention to your spiritual health.  Whatever your beliefs are and however your worship or pay tribute to your maker exercise that faith.  A spiritual connection brings light into our lives.  Light is the opposite of darkness and depression.
  • Read your spiritual books.  The Bible or Scriptures or other spiritual, uplifting books, magazines, and articles.  Furthermore, there are great inspirational talks on YouTube particularly from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Also, there are daily inspirational that you can subscribe to.
  • Take time to pray and meditate.  Journal your positive thoughts and struggles.  Track your good progress.
  • Lastly, do things that make you feel good.  Listen to uplifting music, read a good book, talk to a friend,  go for a walk, or whatever makes you feel good about yourself.  And do not forget what we stated above: you are a beloved child of your creator, out here on earth to fulfill a vital role only you can fill.

You may find the following articles helpful as well:…mprove-your-life/

Large Family Healthy Eating and Lifestyle Plan

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Colostrum as a Home Remedy

Colostrum as a Home Remedy

Dr. Emmett’s Corner on colostrum as a home remedy:

I use Colostrum as a home remedy for several varying ailments.  For years, it has been a staple in my medicine cabinet.  Colostrum as a home remedy is a great eyewash (in liquid form) if something gets in my eyes.  It is a great healer if I or one of my animals has a cut.  When I had a tooth extracted or root canal – I have had a few!  I would hold the colostrum in my mouth or pack it in the hole where the tooth had been removed.  It promotes fast healing.  Colostrum as a home remedy soothes a sore throat, heals mouth sores, and kills bacteria in the gums.  Because of its many nutrients, it moistens dry skin and restores youthful tones.

My wife, Nancy is a breast cancer survivor.  That means she has gone through several surgeries both to remove her breast and then for the rebuilding of the breast with her own tissue.  Her surgeons are all great.  Some of the best in the US.  But whenever there is a cut there is going to be a scar.  However, her scars are minimal and always she heals quickly.   We apply colostrum to the surgery areas.  Furthermore, by using colostrum orally we improve her stamina before and after the surgery.  The colostrum also provides healing building blocks for the body to form new tissue.
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Colostrum and Your Immune System


Can Colostrum Improve Your Immune System?

What is colostrum?

Colostrum is vital in the early lives of all mammals.  It is particularly vital for their immune system.   What is colostrum?  It is the “first milk” that a mother mammal produces just prior and after the birth of her baby.  This protein-packed fluid contains immune-building antibodies and lymphocytes along with immunoglobulins.   The newborn uses these properties to form enough antibodies to protect itself from disease until its immune system is working.  At the same time, these antibodies are aiding in establishing the newborn’s immune system.

Heal Your Gut!

Some factors of Colostrum

Some of the factors of colostrum are:

  • Its proteins also include hormones, enzymes, complex sugars, and growth factors.  These growth factors speed up tissue healing.
  • The proline-rich polypeptides normalize or balance an overactive or under-active immune system.
  • Also, it contains a peroxidase enzyme, which destroys disease-carrying microbes.
  • Furthermore, the lactoferrin it contains is able to neutralize certain types of bacteria.

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Our Emotional and Spiritual Link to Our Physical Health

At HOLISTIC3DHEALTH we talk about our emotional and spiritual link to physical health.  We often overlook this link.  When we feel ill we only describe the physical symptoms and feelings.  We may tell our doctor that we have no energy, a slight headache, and a blah feeling.  Or we may say our stomach is not feeling well.  We feel bloated, have lost our appetite, and have frequent stomach pain.  We find nothing even with multiple testing.  Nothing changes after trying several chemical remedies.  The only difference is that our wallet feels lighter!  Often we are even more frustrated with worsening symptoms.  The emotional (and spiritual) links to our physical health have not been uncovered.

1st reading

Emotional and Physical links:

Our emotions and our physical symptoms are linked. I always ask patients who complain of physical symptoms about their emotional outlook.  Generally, they think they are ok emotionally.  Therefore, I have to test them to see those non-physical problems.

Cases Study:

Let me share an experience from a few days ago.  I had a patient who had not felt right for several days.  Of course with the COVID scare, they wanted to know if I could tell if that might be their issue.  I have some ideas of how organ readings might look if someone did have COVID.   But there is no concrete data of proof at this time.  I did a double test on the patient.  With the BiPulsar reading, (at the right) I saw depression (grey in the head and shoulders), total fatigue  (frequency of the grey), dehydration (no color extending to fingers plus the grey/white of the brain area), and a few other physical symptoms.  However, the patient was saying he was not depressed.   Next, I looked at their SAF (Self Awareness Formula) reading.

We discussed the patient’s SAF chain numbers and what past life events they related to.  As we did so I saw a gradual change in his body language.  He sat back, more relaxed.  After an hour I asked, “How do you feel right now?”  The patient looked surprised as they thought about how they now felt.  Their physical symptoms were gone.   There was no headache.  Nor body aches.   Their energy had returned.   The COVID concern was gone.

I did another BioPulsar scan 24 hours later (lower right).  One physical symptom that I felt was certain was the dehydration.  I encouraged re-hydrating.  Because the patient felt bloated, they had used several methods to cleanse their colon.   I doubted they had compensated by adding extra fluids.   Therefore, I was certain the cleansing had caused dehydration.   The new scan was amazingly different.  There was no more grey color, no muddy colors, and low energy numbers.  Replacing them were crisp colors and numbers showing strong vitality.2nd reading
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Being Prepared

Being Prepared

What does “being prepared” mean?  Can “being prepared” be different for each family?   Can you determine if your preparations are truly helping your family be prepared?  What are we “being prepared” for?

With the current health crisis, as we experience worldwide pandemic created by a virus bred far away from most of us, some of us may realize that we are not prepared for a crisis.  A crisis could include everything from what we are currently experiencing to something very personal such as a business failure, layoff, or personal health crisis.  Let us look at some of the things we should be prepared for and how to prepare ourselves and our families.

Weather Crisis

We live in Florida.  On the East Coast of Florida to be exact.  We have lived in Florida since 2004 – the year of the hurricanes!  4 of them hit Florida within weeks.  We lived through and we stayed!  We experienced those in the central part of the state.  However, we have since moved to the east coast.  And yes, we have experienced another hurricane that devastated our eastern neighbors; then skirted our coast and headed north.  Were we prepared?  We were.

We grew up in Western, NY.  Lake effect storms were common.  My (Nancy) family lived in the hills 13 miles from Fillmore, NY and 12 miles from Belfast, NY.  Because of the remoteness of our farm, there were many times when we were snowed in for days on end.  Were we prepared?  Yes, we were.  Furthermore, it was easy to be prepared because we grew much of our food.  We always had a good amount of what we needed to buy at a grocery store.  We had our gas tank, grew our vegetables, and harvested our meat.  Also, we had chickens and cows so there was always milk, eggs, and butter.  The cows and animals were fed because we also grew their food. Continue reading Being Prepared

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A Diet or A New Lifestyle?

Which is best for you?  A diet or a new lifestyle? There are several reasons for changing one’s “diet” or lifestyle.  Is there a difference between a diet or a new lifestyle?  What is best for you: a diet or a new lifestyle?  How do you determine which is best for you: a diet or a new lifestyle.  In most cases, a diet is not enough.  It is a temporary fix.  Kind of like putting a band-aid on a broken finger.  The band-aid might temporarily give some support to the finger but not enough support for the finger to be able to heal.  The diet might get a few of the results you are hoping for BUT rarely are the results lasting.  A new lifestyle, however, might be a whole different story.

So you may be asking what is the difference between a diet and a new lifestyle?  Why is a diet less effective than a new lifestyle?  Unless we change habits permanently our ultimate goal for going on a specific diet will never be achieved for an extended period of time. Continue reading A Diet or A New Lifestyle?

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We Can Learn From Studying Human Auras

What can we learn from studying human Auras?  Because our Aura shows us a picture of our multi-dimensional selves we can learn many things about our health today.  We can also predict what can happen with our health in both the near and distant future.  Your aura picture shows us where you are healthy today.  We can also learn by studying human auras where we are struggling.  Our struggles can be physical, emotional, or spiritual.  They are all indicated by the colors of our aura.  By studying human auras over time we can see patterns develop that indicate health trends.  Let me give you an example of what we learn from studying Human Auras and what we do with the information we learn.

Let us say we have taken a picture of your aura.  We see many beautiful bright colors BUT we also see some grey and some murky reds.  Above the head, we see yellow which tells me that you are an analytical person.  You may enjoy learning and studying.  The grey, however, is in your head area or the area of what we call the Brow Chakra area.  This may indicate a lack of energy. Depending on exactly where in the brain the grey is emanating from you may experience poor memory recall or that it is difficult to concentrate. Continue reading We Can Learn From Studying Human Auras