What is SAF ®

SAF ® stands for Self Awareness Formulas. It is a collective work of questionnaires and health evaluations, books, computing programs, and training materials written by Joseph R. Scogna, Jr. SAF® is a registered trademark.

How is SAF® different from other methods of self-awareness?

This is an enlightening system of thought, a tool to help us find and understand past traumas, and how these might still be affecting us in the present. SAF® can rapidly pinpoint when a trauma occurred in our life, as well as the nature of the event that caused the trauma.  It could have been a happy event, a frightening event, a sad event, or a confusing event.  Our cells record all traumas alike as any trauma stimulates the cells whether it is good or bad, happy or sad.  Certain emotions stimulate the cells of certain organs.


SAF Self Awareness Formulas


How can SAF® find our traumas?

This method defines certain organ and gland systems.  These organs and glands hold recordings of what has happened to us in the recent and distant past.  The event the organ or gland records depends upon the nature of the event.  Everything is recorded – specific emotions, conditions, actions correlate to a specific organ or gland system. As we identify which organs are stressed the most, we learn what emotions need to process.

Because these recordings are done chronology, we can in turn, determine what events may be causing our current experiences or health challenges.  From there, we can discover what “code” was created from the time of early childhood to the present time.  These codes may have been effective as children but as we grew older, the emotions and actions that once helped us survive in our family became obsolete. These are often impediments to us as adults when we try to forge new relationships at work and at home.

For this reason, it’s absolutely essential to becoming aware of our past codes and patterns.  As you find yourself in a similar situation in the future,  you’ll be able to say, “Hey, wait a minute, this isn’t working for me anymore.” “Been there, done that.” You’ve spotted a behavior pattern before it became a problem.

With SAF®, we can learn to unravel the confusions of our past and put the puzzling pieces back together so these make sense.

How does SAF® work?

The Stress 120 Questionnaire for emotional issues or the SAF® 120 Questionnaire for physical issues are excellent evaluations. These are subjective tests – they work on the basis of your input. It will present your viewpoint, your reality as you see it. So, there are no right or wrong answers. There is no “better way” to answer the questions.

Your answers will be put into an order of priority, the SAF® chain of numbers. These numbers relate to the specific organ and gland systems, emotions as mentioned above. The SAF® chain will take what you do know about yourself and help you learn what you don’t know about the causes and earlier events that created the situation you find yourself in today.

How effective is SAF®?

It is outstanding! We can get to the main issues in one session where previously it might have taken years of therapy work.

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