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10 Ways Your Body Uses Water

10 Ways Your Body Uses Water

  • Acts as a cushion for your brain and spinal cord
  • Aids in the making of hormones and the chemicals needed to send information from your brain to your body.
  • Creates saliva – needed to start the digestive process
  • Helps regulate your body temperature through sweat and respiration
  • It helps transport nutrients and oxygen through your body by keeping your blood at a healthy thickness.
  • Helps convert food into nutrients that your cells can use
  • Keeps your cells hydrated so they can accept nutrients
  • Helps cushion and lubricate your joints
  • Helps flush waste from your body
  • Helps hydrate your skin to keep it healthy and young-looking

Glass of Water

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Essential Oils

A couple of years ago one of our young grandsons was being challenged with migraine headaches.  They were severe to the extent that he was missing a lot of school.  He was at risk of being held back in his grade because of inadequate attendance. My daughter researched every possible option of relieving the headaches that appear with an unknown cause. If he took some an over the counter headache remedy at the onset he could generally overcome a headache. However, if the onset occurred while he was at school that was impossible.

By the next school year, she had come up with a couple of solutions. Fluorescent lighting is one of the triggers, so he requests to sit near a window with natural light.  This reduces the effects of fluorescent lighting. She found a possible second solution she hoped would work. She combined some essential oils in a roller bottle for easy application. He can take his roll-on to school and does not need a nurse’s permission to use it. At a headache onset, he rolls the oils over his temples, across his forehead and the back of his neck. It has been a success! Continue reading Essential Oils

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Why is obesity a major problem in our society today?

There are multiple factors that contribute to the obesity epidemic today.  We will talk about a few of them in this blog.

When I was in school a plump or overweight child was almost never seen.  Childhood obesity was even more uncommon.  I remember 1 girl in our class in our rural community who was obese.   She seemed to have an eating disorder.  Her mother had to lock the fridge and freezer because she would eat everything!   But I dare say if you check a class of 80 students today you would find several children that could stand to lose a bit of weight!

The same is also true of obesity in adults.  It was rare 50 years ago to see someone that topped the scales at 300 pounds but today we talk about people who weigh 400 or even 600 pounds.  How did we get into such a huge (pardon the pun) weight problem? Continue reading Why is obesity a major problem in our society today?

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Drinking Water For Better Health

Did you know that drinking water can better our health?  Also, did you know that our bodies are 70 percent water?   They are.  Therefore keeping properly hydrated has many health benefits. Today we have many sources of water available to us.  In this blog, we will discuss how drinking water for better health.  We will discuss how much water should we drink, and what our best sources of water are.

How much water should we drink?

    • How much water should we drink?  When drinking water for better health the general rule is to divide your body weight by 2.  That will give you the estimated number of ounces of water you should drink each day.  Drink about 1/3rd of that amount early in the day.  Example:  A 120-pound person should drink 60 ounces, or just shy of 2 quarts of water per day.  Drink 20 ounces in the first few hours along with 8 to 10 ounces drank on rising.  The objective of this early morning quantity is two-fold.   It is to flush the toxins that our body has processed for elimination. And secondly, to replace the 6 to 8 ounces of fluid we lost while sleeping.   There are some circumstances that may require us to drink additional water.  If you work out, work a job that is heavy labor, play sports, spend time in the sun, live or work in a dry or windy climate, have a fever, or are pregnant you will require additional water to replace the water you are losing through the skin.

Continue reading Drinking Water For Better Health