What can we learn from studying human Auras? Because our Aura shows us a picture of our multi-dimensional selves we can learn many things about our health today. We can also predict what can happen with our health in both the near and distant future. Your aura picture shows us where you are healthy today. We can also learn by studying human auras where we are struggling. Our struggles can be physical, emotional, or spiritual. They are all indicated by the colors of our aura. By studying human auras over time we can see patterns develop that indicate health trends. Let me give you an example of what we learn from studying Human Auras and what we do with the information we learn.
Let us say we have taken a picture of your aura. We see many beautiful bright colors BUT we also see some grey and some murky reds. Above the head, we see yellow which tells me that you are an analytical person. You may enjoy learning and studying. The grey, however, is in your head area or the area of what we call the Brow Chakra area. This may indicate a lack of energy. Depending on exactly where in the brain the grey is emanating from you may experience poor memory recall or that it is difficult to concentrate. Continue reading We Can Learn From Studying Human Auras