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Our Emotional and Spiritual Link to Our Physical Health

At HOLISTIC3DHEALTH we talk about our emotional and spiritual link to physical health.  We often overlook this link.  When we feel ill we only describe the physical symptoms and feelings.  We may tell our doctor that we have no energy, a slight headache, and a blah feeling.  Or we may say our stomach is not feeling well.  We feel bloated, have lost our appetite, and have frequent stomach pain.  We find nothing even with multiple testing.  Nothing changes after trying several chemical remedies.  The only difference is that our wallet feels lighter!  Often we are even more frustrated with worsening symptoms.  The emotional (and spiritual) links to our physical health have not been uncovered.

1st reading

Emotional and Physical links:

Our emotions and our physical symptoms are linked. I always ask patients who complain of physical symptoms about their emotional outlook.  Generally, they think they are ok emotionally.  Therefore, I have to test them to see those non-physical problems.

Cases Study:

Let me share an experience from a few days ago.  I had a patient who had not felt right for several days.  Of course with the COVID scare, they wanted to know if I could tell if that might be their issue.  I have some ideas of how organ readings might look if someone did have COVID.   But there is no concrete data of proof at this time.  I did a double test on the patient.  With the BiPulsar reading, (at the right) I saw depression (grey in the head and shoulders), total fatigue  (frequency of the grey), dehydration (no color extending to fingers plus the grey/white of the brain area), and a few other physical symptoms.  However, the patient was saying he was not depressed.   Next, I looked at their SAF (Self Awareness Formula) reading.

We discussed the patient’s SAF chain numbers and what past life events they related to.  As we did so I saw a gradual change in his body language.  He sat back, more relaxed.  After an hour I asked, “How do you feel right now?”  The patient looked surprised as they thought about how they now felt.  Their physical symptoms were gone.   There was no headache.  Nor body aches.   Their energy had returned.   The COVID concern was gone.

I did another BioPulsar scan 24 hours later (lower right).  One physical symptom that I felt was certain was the dehydration.  I encouraged re-hydrating.  Because the patient felt bloated, they had used several methods to cleanse their colon.   I doubted they had compensated by adding extra fluids.   Therefore, I was certain the cleansing had caused dehydration.   The new scan was amazingly different.  There was no more grey color, no muddy colors, and low energy numbers.  Replacing them were crisp colors and numbers showing strong vitality.2nd reading
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We Can Learn From Studying Human Auras

What can we learn from studying human Auras?  Because our Aura shows us a picture of our multi-dimensional selves we can learn many things about our health today.  We can also predict what can happen with our health in both the near and distant future.  Your aura picture shows us where you are healthy today.  We can also learn by studying human auras where we are struggling.  Our struggles can be physical, emotional, or spiritual.  They are all indicated by the colors of our aura.  By studying human auras over time we can see patterns develop that indicate health trends.  Let me give you an example of what we learn from studying Human Auras and what we do with the information we learn.

Let us say we have taken a picture of your aura.  We see many beautiful bright colors BUT we also see some grey and some murky reds.  Above the head, we see yellow which tells me that you are an analytical person.  You may enjoy learning and studying.  The grey, however, is in your head area or the area of what we call the Brow Chakra area.  This may indicate a lack of energy. Depending on exactly where in the brain the grey is emanating from you may experience poor memory recall or that it is difficult to concentrate. Continue reading We Can Learn From Studying Human Auras

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Colour Vibrational Energy

Several months ago we were introduced to Colour Vibrational Energy, the science behind it, and the tools to track our Colour Energy fields (our Aura).   We are always researching looking for new ways to improve our health and the health of those who seek our help.  Because of this, we began to look into just what the advantages of studying someone’s Aura might be.  What we found was impressive!

In Europe, a device known as the BioPulsar is an accepted and widely used piece of medical equipment.  Why is the BioPulsar so widely in use in Europe?  Because it can reveal the Colour Vibrational Energy of some 40 plus organs and systems in our bodies.   Furthermore, it can tell us exactly which of those are functioning on a healthy level and which ones are not.  It can help us see impending illnesses and therefore gives us the tools we need to avoid them.  It is an accurate, non-invasive, and low-cost tool for diagnosing.  Also, it can eliminate the need for more costly testing methods. Continue reading Colour Vibrational Energy